What Was Your Speciality?
£1 Gorillas, large and strong but respecting tradition - You’re very good at appearing bigger and stronger than you really are. You can convincingly copy any form of ritualized combat, if you’ve witnessed it at least once.
£2 Gibbons, incredibly agile but solve most problems by screaming - You can scream very loudly. If something hoots (or screams) at you, you can hoot back louder.
£3 Bonobos, constantly lusty - If you want, you can be sexually appealing to any vaguely humanoid creature (bipedal, two arms, two legs, some sort of head)
£4 Orangutans, unerringly calm - You can always keep a calm facade, regardless of your inner turmoil. You can also stretch your cheeks very far.
£5 Baboons, vicious and answering only to violence - Your unarmed attacks deal d6 damage to fleshy targets. You can tear faces off on critical damage.
£6 Macaques, with notoriously sticky fingers - You always subconsciously watch your interlocutors hands. They can’t pickpocket from you or do anything similarly underhanded without you noticing.

Where Did You Learn Your Trade?
1 HP You were raised by apes (Species according to table above) - take a runty monkey brother (d6 nails and teeth, DEX 15, 4HP)
2 HP Trained by a renowned explorer and zoologist - Take a safari outfit, including a pith helmet. It gives you an air of an upper-class gentleman adventurer.
3 HP A shady correspondence course - Take a worthless, but impressive seeming diploma.
4 HP Years of observation in the field - Take a notebook full of excitable notes on primate behaviour.
5 HP You made it up as you went along - Take a collection of scars, with stories to go along with them.
6 HP Trained by a group of mischievous mock-apes - take a book titled “How to trick a monkey”. All the pages are blank.